The official story of the Port Arthur Massacre really comes apart at the Toll Booth.
Nicholas Cheok saw most of what transpired, and gave a witness statement two and a half months later. I've linked his Witness Statement here:
and I'll put a link on the sidebar as well.
Read it carefully. You owe it to the victims to understand what happened.
He clearly saw three people in the yellow Volvo, and two people in the gold BMW.
None of them were running away, even when the gunman stepped away from his hot, smoking rifle.
He left it in the back seat of the Volvo, while Robert and Helene Salzmann got in and sat with him, talking, then arguing.
Jim Pollard and Rose Nixon sat in her husband's BMW, warning away anyone trying to drive in to the Port Arthur Historic Site.
As Nicholas and Debra Rae watched in horror, Robert got out of the Volvo, followed by a blonde, six-foot, well-built man. They were both on the driver's side, in the roadway. The blonde man walked around the front of the Volvo, opened the back passenger door, came around the back of the Volvo with a gun and shot Robert at point-blank range.
Jim Pollard got out of the driver's side of the BMW, walked around the front into the middle of the road and was shot by the gunman. The blonde man then walked back around the front of the Volvo, opened the front passenger door and dragged out Helene Salzmann, shooting her twice.
He then goes back to the middle of the road, opening the BMW passenger door and shooting Rose Nixon.
He then takes the BMW, drives out to the Port Arthur petrol station and kills Zoe Hall, kidnapping Glen Pears and driving to Seascape.
So here are some questions for the coroner to answer:
What was the relationship between Jim Pollard, Rose Nixon and the Salzmanns?
Why didn't the four run away from the shooting?
Why would you argue with an armed man, let alone sit inside a car with him?
Why didn't Robert Salzmann unload the hot, smoking rifle in the passenger seat next to him?
Seeing Robert shot, it's understandable if Jim Pollard thought he could "talk down" the gunman. But why didn't the women run away? Why didn't Jim Pollard drive the BMW (with his friend in the passenger seat), away from the danger zone before returning to try and talk the shooter down?
Did any of the 4 know Martin Bryant prior to the shooting?
At the end of the witness statement, Nicholas identifies Martin Bryant as the gunman. I respect Nicholas' statement, but keep in mind how susceptible our memories are to suggestion, and Nicholas had just been subject to 10 weeks of constant, saturation media saying Martin Bryant was the shooter and splashing his photo everywhere.
Even if Nicholas was correct, and it was Martin Bryant shooting Jim Pollard, Rose Nixon and the Salzmanns, their actions are enough to throw reasonable doubt on the official story and are grounds for an inquiry.
Sketch made by the police and updated by Nicholas Cheok