A further 75 year embargo on the Port Arthur evidence.
Here's the post from Paul Moder:
Note. AFTER I announced my intention to make a film about the Port Arthur Massacre in 2016, this video appears on YouTube confirming that all files from Port Arthur have been locked away in the Tasmanian Archives and Heritage Office, under the highest restriction (E75) Police Commissioner's eyes only, for 75 years. This in addition to the 30 year court seal from 1996. Bryant, the survivors, police and most of you will be dead before this information is released to the public, if ever. Angry? You should be.
Given the rampant censorship these days, I'm not sure how long this video will remain on YouTube, so I've secured a copy on the Google Drive.
Here's the link, download your copy before it goes down the memory hole:
Now ask yourself. I can make arrangements to visit Chopper Read, Ivan Milat or Malcolm Naden in prison. I can view the evidence that lead to their conviction.
Why not Martin Bryant?
What are they hiding?
Did the police botch the investigation?
Is there a more plausible story than the official narrative
Did the media lie to us all these years?
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
In a few short weeks, the media will again bring up Port Arthur as the anniversary of the massacre arrives. If you are a journalist, please read the facts below and compare them with what you are permitted to publish about Port Arthur.
The media will play on emotion, dance in the blood of the victims and re-traumatise the survivors as they praise John Howard and ignore the 5 mass shootings since 1996: Wedderburn, Lockart, Hectorville, Monash, Osmington. The past 22 years have seen the same number of mass shootings as the 22 years before Port Arthur. Then just this month, another mass shooting in Melbourne...
But Port Arthur is not about media hype. The essence of the Port Arthur case is evidence.
Specifically, the lack of it. Set aside your emotions and look at the impartial evidence before you.
Here are the facts that the media conveniently ignore; if you are a journalist, ask your editor or producer if you can do a story on them and let me know the response:
There was no examination of the evidence at Martin's "trial". After 5 months in solitary confinement, where he continued to plead not guilty, defence lawyer John Avery (since jailed for fraud and released) convinced his mother Carleen Bryant to tell Martin she wouldn't visit him, and he would rot alone in a concrete box unless he pled guilty. The "trial" was simply a summary of the prosecution case, followed by sentencing. Theatre.
There is no DNA evidence that Martin Bryant was in the cafe. The utensils and Solo can the shooter used would have saliva and fingerprints on them, but has never been released. Likewise, the tape from the video camera left in the cafe has never seen daylight. Does it show a different story to the official narrative?
There is no evidence that Bryant owned the FN FAL rifle serial number G3434 left broken at seascape. He denies ever seeing it or the scope before. A scoped FAL is very rare, since they are an infantry battle rifle, not a sniper rifle. Where did it come from?
The rifle on the roof leads me to another. Here are two photos from the book Shadow Warrior by David Everett. Everett was an Australian SASR soldier who went to help the Karen rebels fight the communist Burmese government. Using his contacts in the military, he was able to purchase weapons and supplies for his new friends. Dave was a short, skinny bloke, so old mate in the white T-shirt is taller, about the right height for the Port Arthur shooter. If he grew his hair out, or even put on a wig (several of the eyewitness accounts, like Jim Laycock, said the shooter's hair looked like a wig), he ticks a lot of boxes. Especially when you see him holding a rare FN FAL with a scope on it, just like the one left on the roof of Seascape.
The second photo is Dave himself, posing in Burma with a similar rifle, minus the scope. Dave was in prison at the time of the massacre, along with one of his accomplices James Reynolds. However, a third accomplice, called "Baz" in the book, was never officially arrested and remains at large. Is "Baz" this guy in the white t-shirt?
At the trial, prosecutor Damien Bugg said that Bryant shot David and Sally Martin at Seascape "between 11am and 12pm" but Simmons, waiting for a car at 10.45am, heard the shots "prior to 11am" as per his witness statement. Martin Bryant was, between 10.30 and 10.45am, witnessed putting $15 petrol in his Volvo at Taranna, 6km north (Chris Hammond witness statement), and then driving AWAY from Seascape, to surf at Roaring Beach. He was nowhere in the area between 11 and 12 that Sunday, look at the map:
Three shots were fired at 6.30pm inside PAHS while Bryant was under siege inside seascape. Who fired those shots? Lee Ann Godwin and John Featherstone both witnessed three shots from the verandah of Clougha, the visiting magistrates house.
The tape recording of Police officer McCarthy and "Jamie" contains clear gunshots in the background while Jamie was in the kitchen. Who fired those shots?
The recording also states that Jamie has another person inside the house called "Rick". Was it this Rick who was shooting from upstairs while Jamie was talking to McCarthy? Who is he and how did he escape the police cordon?
At the toll booth, Nicholas Cheok saw Robert and Helene Salzmann sit in the yellow Volvo with the gunman and his hot rifle instead of running away like everyone else. They were talking, then arguing, then Robert stood in the middle of the road while the blonde gunman retrieved his rifle from the opposite side of the Volvo and shot him, Helene, Jim Pollard and Rose Nixon (whose husband owned the BMW the gunman was about to steal). Why would these 4 people meet the gunman, speak to him, then wait around to be shot while everyone else was running away? How are they connected to each other and what relationship did they have with Martin Bryant?
Jim Laycock witnessed the toll booth shootings and the kidnapping of Glen Pears. He had known Martin for years, and said the shooter was not him. His witness statement is available on the menu of this blog.
Graham Collyer was shot in the neck inside the cafe. He describes the shooter as having "a lot of acne, a pitted face." In contrast, Martin has a smooth, creamy complexion. Graham's witness statement is also linked on the menu.
Brigid Cook survived being shot, and said in her witness statement that her memory had been influenced by the photos in the media. How many other witnesses had their memory affected by this phenomenon, ongoing research into crime and memory suggests a lot:
The newspaper photo in this post was stolen from Martin's house and illegally published before he was even charged with a crime. It tainted the memories of the witnesses and the public alike, yet the newspapers were never charged with anything from theft to attempting to influence a jury.
The emergency exit door to the cafe was locked, trapping people inside who were shot by the gunman. The same thing happened at the Al Noor mosque in Christchurch in 2019. Neither shooter had opportunity to lock the doors before they opened fire, so who locked those doors and turned the rooms into a slaughterhouse?
At the time of the cafe shooting, the only two police in the area were 30 minutes away at remote Saltwater River, where a soap powder stash had been phoned in as a hoax. Who placed the soap powder there? Not Martin - his girlfriend Petra Wilmot had been with him all week. And Nubeena police station had a new phone number that had not yet been published in white and yellow pages. How did the gunman obtain the new phone number?
What happened to Helen Harvey's Tatts shares? Martin's friend left him all her estate, but since both were managed by the Public Trustee, it is unlikely the two accounts were combined. So when Martin's estate was seized by the Government (denying him the means to afford a lawyer), Helen's lottery shares and the lucrative income they provide disappeared. These shares became much more valuable when Tatts floated in 2005. My application to the State Archives for details of the compensation payments have been refused, citing a 25-year moratorium.
Was the massacre a cover up for the largest theft in Australian history since the Murwillumbah bank heist in 1978? The largest ever? With a float price of $2.90, out of 593 shareholders, the Tasmania Public Trustee held exactly two parcels of Tatts shares worth $39 million and $1.5 million respectively. In the chaos following the shooting, did someone get away with $39 million by pretending to distribute it to the victims? Prove me wrong by releasing the sealed records and having them audited.
The information about Tatts shares has been archived off the live internet. You have to use the Wayback Machine to access it: https://web.archive.org/web/20060513172101/https://www.theage.com.au/ed_docs/tattersals.pdf
And before you dismiss this idea as fantasy, I'm not the only one thinking it. The Lee Child novel One Shot, made into a film called Jack Reacher starring Tom Cruise, is about a man framed for a mass shooting that conceals an ulterior motive. As a trained statistician, I consider this explanation to be plausible and possible.
There are more strange details about Port Arthur: The perfect morgue truck that was scrapped after the massacre was over; the media and surgery conferences that ensured medical care and hysterical media coverage at the right time; the unusual Sunday seminar for the top managers of the Historic Site, ensured they were not on the premises when the shooting started.
Then there's Martin's own alibi, that he couldn't afford the entry fee, even if he had desired to go into Port Arthur that day - he was down to the coins in his glove box, planning to get more money from the Public Trustee on 1 May. How ironic that he would never see any of that money again.
Then there's the black van that appeared outside the Broad Arrow Café at 3.10pm (just 40 minutes after the shooting began and as the second Squirrel helicopter arrived to evacuate wounded. Carol Laughton was evacuated on the first Squirrel so she did not see it arrive) and stayed there until 4.30pm. Three photos below show the van:
There are no theories here, conspiracy or otherwise. These are facts, taken from the witness statements and court documents. Any trained journalist will seek answers to these questions.
The best way to blow conspiracy theory out of the water is to produce evidence and have it examined by independent experts. We are consistently calling for such an inquiry, yet instead of complying, the Tasmanian government recently digitised all the evidence, locking it away under the highest level of security, only visible to the police minister, for yet another 75 years. Given the conflicting eyewitness accounts and the questions listed above, we encourage you to ask, "what are they hiding?"
Port Arthur was a horrible crime against humanity. The victims deserve to have the guilty punished. But there is reasonable doubt that Martin Bryant was the killer, so a retrial is needed. All decent human beings will want the truth and justice to prevail, and the first step is to recognise the holes in the official story and re-open the inquest that Ian Matterson started.
All we want is the truth.
The victims deserve the truth.
Are you a journalist?
There's probably a Pulitzer in it for the one who breaks this story open.
Get on it.
The 2nd Empty Chair is a fiction novel, based on the witness statements and court documents. Using poetic licence, it links the facts that we know into a plausible, possible narrative that 'pokes more holes in the official story than a Pastafarian's colander.'
The media will play on emotion, dance in the blood of the victims and re-traumatise the survivors as they praise John Howard and ignore the 5 mass shootings since 1996: Wedderburn, Lockart, Hectorville, Monash, Osmington. The past 22 years have seen the same number of mass shootings as the 22 years before Port Arthur. Then just this month, another mass shooting in Melbourne...
But Port Arthur is not about media hype. The essence of the Port Arthur case is evidence.
Specifically, the lack of it. Set aside your emotions and look at the impartial evidence before you.
Here are the facts that the media conveniently ignore; if you are a journalist, ask your editor or producer if you can do a story on them and let me know the response:
There was no examination of the evidence at Martin's "trial". After 5 months in solitary confinement, where he continued to plead not guilty, defence lawyer John Avery (since jailed for fraud and released) convinced his mother Carleen Bryant to tell Martin she wouldn't visit him, and he would rot alone in a concrete box unless he pled guilty. The "trial" was simply a summary of the prosecution case, followed by sentencing. Theatre.
There is no DNA evidence that Martin Bryant was in the cafe. The utensils and Solo can the shooter used would have saliva and fingerprints on them, but has never been released. Likewise, the tape from the video camera left in the cafe has never seen daylight. Does it show a different story to the official narrative?
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Solo can, utensils and video camera |
There is no evidence that Bryant owned the FN FAL rifle serial number G3434 left broken at seascape. He denies ever seeing it or the scope before. A scoped FAL is very rare, since they are an infantry battle rifle, not a sniper rifle. Where did it come from?
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FN FAL in .308 #G3434 |
The rifle on the roof leads me to another. Here are two photos from the book Shadow Warrior by David Everett. Everett was an Australian SASR soldier who went to help the Karen rebels fight the communist Burmese government. Using his contacts in the military, he was able to purchase weapons and supplies for his new friends. Dave was a short, skinny bloke, so old mate in the white T-shirt is taller, about the right height for the Port Arthur shooter. If he grew his hair out, or even put on a wig (several of the eyewitness accounts, like Jim Laycock, said the shooter's hair looked like a wig), he ticks a lot of boxes. Especially when you see him holding a rare FN FAL with a scope on it, just like the one left on the roof of Seascape.
The second photo is Dave himself, posing in Burma with a similar rifle, minus the scope. Dave was in prison at the time of the massacre, along with one of his accomplices James Reynolds. However, a third accomplice, called "Baz" in the book, was never officially arrested and remains at large. Is "Baz" this guy in the white t-shirt?
At the trial, prosecutor Damien Bugg said that Bryant shot David and Sally Martin at Seascape "between 11am and 12pm" but Simmons, waiting for a car at 10.45am, heard the shots "prior to 11am" as per his witness statement. Martin Bryant was, between 10.30 and 10.45am, witnessed putting $15 petrol in his Volvo at Taranna, 6km north (Chris Hammond witness statement), and then driving AWAY from Seascape, to surf at Roaring Beach. He was nowhere in the area between 11 and 12 that Sunday, look at the map:
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10.45 at Taranna, Bryant then drove west to surf |
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A toasted sandwich and coffee at Nubeena, he passed PAHS between 12 and 12.30 |
Three shots were fired at 6.30pm inside PAHS while Bryant was under siege inside seascape. Who fired those shots? Lee Ann Godwin and John Featherstone both witnessed three shots from the verandah of Clougha, the visiting magistrates house.
The tape recording of Police officer McCarthy and "Jamie" contains clear gunshots in the background while Jamie was in the kitchen. Who fired those shots?
The recording also states that Jamie has another person inside the house called "Rick". Was it this Rick who was shooting from upstairs while Jamie was talking to McCarthy? Who is he and how did he escape the police cordon?
At the toll booth, Nicholas Cheok saw Robert and Helene Salzmann sit in the yellow Volvo with the gunman and his hot rifle instead of running away like everyone else. They were talking, then arguing, then Robert stood in the middle of the road while the blonde gunman retrieved his rifle from the opposite side of the Volvo and shot him, Helene, Jim Pollard and Rose Nixon (whose husband owned the BMW the gunman was about to steal). Why would these 4 people meet the gunman, speak to him, then wait around to be shot while everyone else was running away? How are they connected to each other and what relationship did they have with Martin Bryant?
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Helen and Robert Salzmann, sat in the yellow Volvo. |
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Jim Pollard was driving the BMW that blocked entry traffic at the toll booth |
Jim Laycock witnessed the toll booth shootings and the kidnapping of Glen Pears. He had known Martin for years, and said the shooter was not him. His witness statement is available on the menu of this blog.
Graham Collyer was shot in the neck inside the cafe. He describes the shooter as having "a lot of acne, a pitted face." In contrast, Martin has a smooth, creamy complexion. Graham's witness statement is also linked on the menu.
Brigid Cook survived being shot, and said in her witness statement that her memory had been influenced by the photos in the media. How many other witnesses had their memory affected by this phenomenon, ongoing research into crime and memory suggests a lot:
The newspaper photo in this post was stolen from Martin's house and illegally published before he was even charged with a crime. It tainted the memories of the witnesses and the public alike, yet the newspapers were never charged with anything from theft to attempting to influence a jury.
The emergency exit door to the cafe was locked, trapping people inside who were shot by the gunman. The same thing happened at the Al Noor mosque in Christchurch in 2019. Neither shooter had opportunity to lock the doors before they opened fire, so who locked those doors and turned the rooms into a slaughterhouse?
At the time of the cafe shooting, the only two police in the area were 30 minutes away at remote Saltwater River, where a soap powder stash had been phoned in as a hoax. Who placed the soap powder there? Not Martin - his girlfriend Petra Wilmot had been with him all week. And Nubeena police station had a new phone number that had not yet been published in white and yellow pages. How did the gunman obtain the new phone number?
What happened to Helen Harvey's Tatts shares? Martin's friend left him all her estate, but since both were managed by the Public Trustee, it is unlikely the two accounts were combined. So when Martin's estate was seized by the Government (denying him the means to afford a lawyer), Helen's lottery shares and the lucrative income they provide disappeared. These shares became much more valuable when Tatts floated in 2005. My application to the State Archives for details of the compensation payments have been refused, citing a 25-year moratorium.
Was the massacre a cover up for the largest theft in Australian history since the Murwillumbah bank heist in 1978? The largest ever? With a float price of $2.90, out of 593 shareholders, the Tasmania Public Trustee held exactly two parcels of Tatts shares worth $39 million and $1.5 million respectively. In the chaos following the shooting, did someone get away with $39 million by pretending to distribute it to the victims? Prove me wrong by releasing the sealed records and having them audited.
The information about Tatts shares has been archived off the live internet. You have to use the Wayback Machine to access it: https://web.archive.org/web/20060513172101/https://www.theage.com.au/ed_docs/tattersals.pdf
And before you dismiss this idea as fantasy, I'm not the only one thinking it. The Lee Child novel One Shot, made into a film called Jack Reacher starring Tom Cruise, is about a man framed for a mass shooting that conceals an ulterior motive. As a trained statistician, I consider this explanation to be plausible and possible.
There are more strange details about Port Arthur: The perfect morgue truck that was scrapped after the massacre was over; the media and surgery conferences that ensured medical care and hysterical media coverage at the right time; the unusual Sunday seminar for the top managers of the Historic Site, ensured they were not on the premises when the shooting started.
Then there's Martin's own alibi, that he couldn't afford the entry fee, even if he had desired to go into Port Arthur that day - he was down to the coins in his glove box, planning to get more money from the Public Trustee on 1 May. How ironic that he would never see any of that money again.
Then there's the black van that appeared outside the Broad Arrow Café at 3.10pm (just 40 minutes after the shooting began and as the second Squirrel helicopter arrived to evacuate wounded. Carol Laughton was evacuated on the first Squirrel so she did not see it arrive) and stayed there until 4.30pm. Three photos below show the van:
There are no theories here, conspiracy or otherwise. These are facts, taken from the witness statements and court documents. Any trained journalist will seek answers to these questions.
The best way to blow conspiracy theory out of the water is to produce evidence and have it examined by independent experts. We are consistently calling for such an inquiry, yet instead of complying, the Tasmanian government recently digitised all the evidence, locking it away under the highest level of security, only visible to the police minister, for yet another 75 years. Given the conflicting eyewitness accounts and the questions listed above, we encourage you to ask, "what are they hiding?"
Port Arthur was a horrible crime against humanity. The victims deserve to have the guilty punished. But there is reasonable doubt that Martin Bryant was the killer, so a retrial is needed. All decent human beings will want the truth and justice to prevail, and the first step is to recognise the holes in the official story and re-open the inquest that Ian Matterson started.
All we want is the truth.
The victims deserve the truth.
Are you a journalist?
There's probably a Pulitzer in it for the one who breaks this story open.
Get on it.

Read the witness statements, this book and compare what you learn to the official story.
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